Thursday, February 11, 2010

Protests against retread of Brigitte Nielsen

A new breasts, thighs and belly fat away to a facelift, new teeth - Brigitte Nielsen (44) can be retreaded.
From Sunday RTL shows in the four-item "make new from old" as the Hollywood star in a beauty clinic Darmstadt sets under the knife. The plan calls on the CDU women in parliament on the plan. They protest.
"This man's dignity is violated," Gitta Connemann (44) is applied. The Union urges members from Lower Saxony in the Express this letter to RTL boss Anke Schäferkordt (45): If the program would not have stopped altogether, then they should still be broadcast until after 23 bitteschön clock.
"Even in your own interest," it says in the letter for the group of women in the CDU / CSU parliamentary group. "Because you may not be keen to give the cynical impression, as they do now."
Connemann finds RTL reduces Brigitte Nielsen in a 'requiring rehabilitation work ". And fear about the effect on young women and girls: "Beauty OPs are no longer a pure Hollywood issue anymore. At the Czech border, there are entire schools that are not going on holiday to Mallorca, but the bus to the neighboring country - to be there to make a new breast. "
"We take the concerns of the CDU women seriously, but they have the features so can not even see," said RTL spokeswoman Heike Schultz. "The images from the clinic are not inhuman, we see no blood, no cuts. There is no Frankenstein effects. What we show from 19.05 clock, we are checking out on minors. "
Whether this is sufficient remains to be seen. Uta Spies by the competent State Media Authority of Lower Saxony: "We are informed and are very critical of the mission ogling."
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Twice as many surgeries