Thursday, February 25, 2010

Brigitte diet in the university cafeteria

Bonn - The holidays are long and not one or the other fat pads was gained during the Christmas period. But how does one become the Hüftengold now quickly get rid of?
 Perhaps a visit to one of the cafeterias of the Studentenwerk Bonn. For two weeks there will be long in strict accordance with the rules of "Brigitte" diet cooked.
And that goes down well with the students: "The action is great feed," said Student Marketing Head Mirjam von der Mark, which sees in the action an emancipatory added: "Now the men can take part in the diet, which which otherwise might be too embarrassing. "
At least for the cooks in the cafeteria Nassestraße since they need not have to convince more. The three pounds of guys together (more than 300 pounds) to Mensa-manager Hans-Rudolph Hascher have namely on 19 November, in cooperation given up smoking.
"Since then we have, however zugenommmen combined 10 kilograms, and must now go back down," says the 93-kilo man Hascher, who wants to achieve his dream this year, weighing 80 kilos.
And initial success, there's also - in the first two days of the diet, the chef lost about one Kilo.Und steps should be taken Chicken Pilaf (3.20 euros) and penne with pesto avocado (2.20 euros) until to 23 January, the pound tumbling.