Friday, February 5, 2010

One name will disappear ... Bye, LTU!

Dusseldorf - Juergen Marbach (had 50) a premonition. By the time the former head of 2007, the LTU its maiden flight to Las Vegas behind him, he predicted: "Either we will get through on long-haul and LTU are the most successful of all time. Or we disappear as a brand from heaven. "Part two of this prospect is fast approaching.
Only a handful of pilots of Air Berlin's daughters are in long-haul flights with LTU painting in action. And in the airport building, the three letters on a large area completely vanished recently. Where is the famous logo was visible, and hung huge posters with photos of machines the company to the wall, are now empty space, or gaze at huge Air Berlin advertising zones. Also on the facade of the LTU, Air Berlin, Hall 8 fixed visually obvious. Founded in 1955 by the Duisburg Contractors Kurt Conle LTU while still employed more than 2,000 employees, but almost never occurs visually more apparent.
Mr. Marbach has checked out last year at the Düsseldorf holiday airlines, with whom he had held and is replaced as manager for the football Bundesliga side VfL Wolfsburg. "I'm very, very sorry," he says. "LTU for me was not only more than six years my professional home. This is simply a piece of Dusseldorf, is the same for worldwide destinations. I can only hope that the name does not completely disappear. "Achim Hunold, he asks his friend thus:" Throw away not everything! "
But this will happen sooner or later. Air Berlin CEO Hunold, before his rise to the Spree Sales and Marketing at LTU, until he got in a dispute with major shareholder WestLB, said a year ago: "It is easier to a single brand, namely, to communicate, Air Berlin, too."
In a few weeks, the three capitals will have disappeared in the arena and on the street in front. The fashion company Esprit is here especially to settle. LTU - sometimes only a (good) memories.
Read More: Dusseldorf has a new super-sponsor>