Saturday, March 20, 2010

Ingo is the lighthouse keeper from Ehrenfeld

Ingo Kreutz (40) loves his job. Since one and a half years he cared for as a janitor at the Helios site Venloerstraße. He EXPRESSzeigte the highest point of his workplace - the lighthouse Ehrenfeld!
To these views of many colleagues envied him. Once a month, Ingo Kreutz strode up and checks out the neon lights. After more than 150 steps and a metal stairway, it goes through a ground-level windows on the balcony of the tower. "The view here is wonderful," says the father of two children. "In this job I have found my fulfillment."
The terrain is dear to his heart. "The artists and the many other tenants are all nice people, it's great fun to work here."
Every morning at seven clock he begins his work and looking after things. On the job, he came by a roundabout route. Since he was 23 Kreutz years worked as a crane operator for the Bauwens group. After restructuring, he took over the on-site support for some objects of Bauwens - as well as for Helios, the Bauwens and two other investors heard.
From 1882 to 1930 Helios here produced fluorescent lights and traffic engineering. In two years are on the site are additional homes and offices. In a few weeks will be opened in a part of a new design center. Artists have their studios here already.
However, the lighthouse is a listed building, and so Ingo Kreutz will grow in the future once a month over the rooftops Ehrenfeld and check the lights.