Saturday, June 12, 2010

This woman learns to live without a yard long nails

New York - your finger nails were her life. Therefore, the shock was deep to Lee Redmond, when it was robbed in a car accident in February of "identity": their almost one meter long claws broke off - only 11.5-inch butts are her remains after the crash.
But now seems the woman got to have joy in life with the former longest fingernails in the world. "It's so much easier to get things done. My hands seem to be flying without the weight," said Lee Redmond in U.S. media.
All ten fingers aggregated, Redmond had come before the accident on a nail length of 8.65 meters. With the super-claws hattedie 68-year-old from Salt Lake City, Utah made an entry into the Guinness Book of Records. "
"The loss of my finger nails was the worst experience of my life," she said, but added with renewed insight: "Life has more to offer than nails."
 All she has nunaufgegeben record ambitions: "It took 30 years to get my nails over this length and to create the world record. Mirkeine probably be another 30 years of life."