Sunday, April 25, 2010

Maria B. (81) to facilitate more than one million

Mettmann - In the crush of customer Karstadt an envelope varies with the owner of 100,000 euros.
Weeks earlier in the Hofgarten the same game, the same amount. In the end, Mary B. (is) 81 to 1.1 million euro makes it easier - from a fraudulent trio that purported to buy their Mettmanner villa.
A fantastic story that is as incomprehensible as the common psychological tricks of the perpetrators, which are now before the court.
Maria B. lives overseas, is coming to Germany to sell their heritage, a grand art nouveau villa (500 square meters) in the middle of Mettmann. She paints a sign for sale: "Too!"
She comes across a criminal trio, two men (34/40) and a woman (45), beginning with her a ruthless game: The three flit before her, they were Arab merchants, we have inherited in Dubai ten million dollars. The wealthy old lady believes in the imminent sale (purchase price of the villa: 1.2 million euros.).
Sent the trio Maria B. According to the charges is under pressure. To get to the heritage of Dubai, one had to pay inheritance tax. If she could help out? Maria B. could. Later, a "brother" at death, without which the villa could not buy. He needed a kidney for 100,000 euros. Later, another "brother had" a prison with 100,000 euros "will be triggered. Mary B., who believes in the sale of their villa, pays and pays and pays ...
The senior showed EXPRESS the villa, which was at issue, and says: "I believed the people. They thought themselves always out of new stories, threatened me, finally. I thought that if I give you the money, I get it back on the sale of the villa. "Not until she has paid almost 1.1 million euros, it is suspicious, turns on the police.
In November 2008 the nightmare is over. The trio was arrested, must answer for itself since the Tuesday before the District Court of Wuppertal. The trial continues. The villa is still not sold, now costs 890,000 euros.

Monday, April 19, 2010

Riesch celebrates Hammertag "

Maribor --
Maria Riesch defeated with a strong 2nd Place their giant slalom curse and brings the overall World Cup Dauerrivalin Lindsey Vonn (USA) on the Pelle. And three other German ski aces went under the first nine - a novelty in the World Cup!
"A Hammertag" beamed Riesch, the first time succeeded in its most recent issue discipline podium: 'I have a huge load off my mind. "Kathrin Hölzl, Victoria Rebensburg and junior rider Lena Dürr made with places four, eight and nine of the great team result perfect.
Faster than Riesch was only Kathrin Zettel (Austria) with 23-hundredths ahead. "I'm lying just two tenths behind Kathrin Zettel, which is in the giant slalom the constants. That's great, it gives me much confidence, "said Maria.
With the podium premiere Partenkirchenerin again shortened the lag in the overall World Cup on Lindsey Vonn (USA). And, as with her second place last Tuesday in the slalom in Flachau, they benefited from a fall of the American girlfriend.
Riesch is 34 points back now, but dampens expectations: "Lindsey is an advantage because it is still more speed races there." Namely, nor exactly eight compared to six competitions in other disciplines. But Vonn feel Riesch in the neck.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

"In Spain it is too loose"

Madrid - In the 2nd Gladbach League goes stale on the bench, now in its first Spanish league with FC Getafe regulars. In the summer, Eugen Polanski (switched 22) to the Madrid suburb club. The interview.
You get in the best league in the world with England good reviews. Even a little surprised? It is going well, as I had hoped for. The change was a big change. The atmosphere in the club is much more relaxed than I had known in Germany. Despite this concentration on the job.
They have a lot of people and critics gezeigt.Ja, and that makes me proud. But rest does not exist, everything can turn quickly. I had a hard time in Gladbach and had me with many extra shifts herankämpfen itself again.
They speak of it: How can it be that you play at Getafe and too bad for the 2nd Bundesliga should have been? "I've always been honest with myself and I have added also weak phases. But the fact is that I had under Jos Luhukay no chance. I had a real reason, the coach never mentioned. There he remained defiant. Christian Ziege, although I wanted to keep, but I had to think about my career. It was not easy to leave Gladbach after 15 years.
Schlaudraff, Compper, now you: successful in Mönchengladbach on the siding, in a strange land. How can that be? "We must give young people a long time and once the trust. 'Resurgence, but it was so that every new coach has seven, brought eight new players.
That was about 50 players in four Jahren.Und I have seen almost all. It lacks the Kons tanz. Also for the fans it's a shame, they often lack the identification figures.
Borussia still holds the class? My heart is hanging on to Borussia. I firmly believe that the club is still creating. Hans Meyer will judge with his experience.
Read also: rauskegeln Meyer has nine professionals> Borussia chasing Serbs Milijas>

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Chief blackmailed because he blued money in the brothel

Dusseldorf - Annegret W. (41) rows, the men wrapped around her finger. So also their boss Karsten F. (37).
The two worked in the real estate company of his brother. When he blued but their money in the brothel, she spun through.
Together with a friend, they extorted Karsten F. Yesterday it came to W. Prozess.Annegret occurred when she stood on the stage. An anguished cry, "Karsten, tell the truth," then a couple of tear.
Karsten was the black sheep of the family, said Annegret W. She had always wanted to help him. There was no talk of love relationship. But contrary Karsten F.
And then this incident in a brothel. Had gone about 2,400 euros, 1,500 euros had been on loan by Annegret W. F. Karsten had a prostitute taken home. And robbed him while he was in the bathroom. Karsten F. "This is embarrassing."
Together with Annegret W. in the milieu he was looking after the money. And failed. Therefore, the beautiful Annegret and her friend started to blackmail. She wanted her money back. On the telephone they acted as if the threat from the environment.
Annegret W.: "There he had boasted about his alleged fortune." She even denied the extortion attempt. Her boyfriend had acted arbitrarily. But that did not believe the judge. Annegret W. He sentenced to six months probation, their accomplices to one year.

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Rolfe: You have a superschönes Stadium

First-class visit on Monday evening at Dusseldorf-IN - in the truest sense.
Simon Rolfes, captain of Bayer Leverkusen and young international who was advertising for his club, which is in the second half at the LTU Arena play, because the BayArena is being modified.
And he enthused: "In training with the national team I have played here. And I must say: You have a superschönes Stadium! "
Of course, he hopes that the attorney Leverkusen hut. And speculates with a grin, that'll certainly come a few fans in Düsseldorf. "Then they'll see Premiership football!"
Leverkusen's first "home game" in Düsseldorf is the second-round Cup meeting on 28 January against Energie Cottbus. On 31 January starts the Bundesliga second half.
Leverkusen must first take away and then subsequently received on 6, 7 or 8 February in Düsseldorf VfB Stuttgart. Rolfes will also be requested for the national team - also on his new "home". Loew force on 11 plays February against Norway.
With Rolfes then draws Bayer mate and goalkeeper Rene Adler into the arena. Monday, he went with pal Simon but only as Stand Up - a large area printed on a goal wall in the boiler house.
This could be the 670 guests, of course, be told twice and likes Ballert on the new star of German football. Most eagles were tamer Andreas Vogt (Commerzbank) and Thorsten Harting (Microsoft). They managed five hits. Something had to give even Rolfes beaten. He sank "only" four balls.