Sunday, March 7, 2010

Kaspar, Blomquist of Krefeld

Krefeld - Kaspar Krebbers passionate playing detective. His parents have asked him for the necessary equipment. Fingerprints take the ten-year best.
On 11 March wants to play Kaspar to a friend after Bockum, of course, a detective. But out of the game gets rough. He is a suspicious-looking man meet on a racing bike.
A few yards further complains that the man who robbed a beauty parlor, the bike into a bush, took off his cap and jacket and throws it away as well. Kaspar was clear: This is a crook. "I thought 'I am Blomquist - before the police here," says the fifth grader.
As a detective, he naturally assumes it face down on the pursuit. "The man has always turned around. That's why I've always gone to the side so he does not see me. "
Kaspar lose sight of the man at some point. When he sees a patrol car, he runs to the police and tell everything. "Only through him we have taken the dangerous serial predator. He now sits in jail, "says police chief Rainer Furth.
Kaspar same time he has been invited to police headquarters. Of course, he found the records department with the fingerprints on the most exciting. "I want to be a policeman," says the student. "The stuff he has to. It could certainly be a good cop, "believes Furth. The President and the Mayor of Krefeld, Gregory Kathstede, Kaspar honored on Tuesday in the Town Hall for his moral courage. "I hope that Kaspar will be a role model for his peers," says Kathstede.
In addition to the ten year olds were still honored 13 other courageous Krefeld. Among Lothar Amendt. He put on 27 January, a woman from a burning car. Without his courageous intervention of the woman had died.