Monday, May 31, 2010

Is there now a flat rate for letters?

Dusseldorf - Is there now a flat rate for letters? According to "Business Week examines the German post office to introduce a flat rate for letters.
For an annual fixed fee, the Germans would be able to send unlimited letters.
As a possible annual fee € 60 would qualify.
 Companies that send a lot should pay proportionately more.
The Post responded cautiously to the report. This is "the moment far less than one idea," said a company spokesman.
While the project still stuck in the development kitchen, "the report said, according to an insider of the" Business Week ". But even in the coming year could come the so-called flat rate for letters.

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Super! Public viewing on the Museum Mile

Bonn - the gaps are not to be overlooked was on the Museum Mile in recent months, hardly a concert that was really full.
As full as before, when crowded between the Federal Art Gallery and Museum of Fine Arts to the masses. But there is hope.
Organizer Jürgen Harder to EXPRESS: "There will be at the Soccer World Cup 2010 public viewing, then by all means, if the Germans play."
Then the cabin, each with 8000 spectators will be jam-packed. A rather rare achievement. No question: Kris Kristofferson, Brian Wilson and Joss Stone are excellent artists. But they are not a top rockers like Elton John, Santana and Bob Dylan, previously brought to rock the mile. And therefore only 1500 listeners to the ex-Beach Boy Wilson to come and just 800 to Kristofferson.
The Museum Square is suffering from tuberculosis. Where's coming? Previously sure the money was loose. The former concert manager Wilfried Gatzweiler times just put a few thousand euros on it at the usual fee, attract the super-Stars.Aber the audience had more to spend. Today must lie a pair for a concert by Crosby, Stills & Nash loose 160 euros - in times of Hartz IV and general financial crisis, no small matter.
Jürgen Harder of the Bonn-Music EXPRESS: "Today, the artists earn only about live performances. Accordingly, the salaries have gone up, and I need to spread the on admission. "
Another reason: As the EXPRESS learned a profound change in the music scene management has meant that many artists experience rather than in Cologne in Bonn. Jürgen Harder: "In the last few years has there been five concerts in Bonn Cologne organizers, this year not a single one."

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Althaus: I carry on my heavy debt

Erfurt - It is Dieter Althaus' first public appearance since his serious skiing accident on New Year's Day. Narrow face, marked by months of his battle against the consequences of skull-brain trauma, pale and with a serious expression, the Prime Minister of Thuringia is the press conference in its place.
After the death of the 41-year-old Beata Christandl, with whom he had collided on the ski slopes in the Austrian ski resort Riesneralm Donnersbachwald, nothing is as it was, acknowledges Althaus. "The accident will occupy me all my life," Althaus said thoughtfully. Among her survivors, he maintains contact.
In the clash, he has no recollection. "From the report, which I have received, it appears that I bear the blame. The charged me. And I wear them hard. I have learned painfully how fragile life is. And that people make mistakes and need forgiveness are "formulated by the Prime Minister. Respect for the human and ethical questions have for him now even more important.
Previously, Althaus had spoken only of responsibility for the accidental death of Beata Christandl that her husband and left behind a year-old baby. The Prime Minister at that time: "The category of debt is inappropriate."
Nevertheless, the 50-year-old left no doubt that he felt strong enough, you attend to "fully and entirely to politics." With all his strength he would now take over the government. No, he had thought of giving up at any time.
A month ago, Althaus from the rehabilitation clinic in Allensbach had been released at Lake Constance. Since then, he was in his home town of Heiligenstadt in outpatient treatment. His wife Catherine was always at his side.
The state-CDU can breathe a sigh: Without Althaus the state election would be on 30 August was probably lost. Now it may at least in a coalition government with the FDP rich, so surveys.
The Christian Democrats had placed in the last few months on their top man - was a plan B, there is also no personal alternative.
The political grace period for the ailing prime minister is now finally over. The opposition evaluated the first appearance Althaus 'as' production without looking statements. "
More about the tragic accident: Althaus admits guilt on fatal ski accident> Dieter Althaus fined for 'massive criticism of lightning Judgement> against Althaus

Thursday, May 13, 2010

ZDF must "Today" news break

Mainz - message at the ZDF Panne: Due to massive problems were the 16-Clock News on Friday afternoon after just five minutes to be cut short. The technique goes crazy!
Embarrassingly for the public channels: The new virtual studio that had been taken only three weeks in operation and had cost € 30 million proud, seems to run not quite accurate.
According to information from the media magazine first, several films of the news program "Today - announced in Europe" - but that could not be recorded. Therefore, the ZDF had the aura of the telenovela "Alisa - Follow your heart prefer.
ZDF spokesman Walter Kehr confirmed the problems. They would not, however, linked to the new studio. Reason is the incorrect use of an employee. The message breakdown might have happened in any other newsroom.
Meanwhile, the ZDF program run normally again.
Also read: TV search for ZDF-Moderator Ingo Nommsen> New fuss about today studio - advertising for one million Euro> happy ending for the new studio today? >

Friday, May 7, 2010

Bonner (33) died in the rubble

Bonn --
The hope of his parents, his relatives and friends flared up recently. But in vain. The Bonn Kai Buchholz (33), since 2007, while working for the UN peacekeeping mission in Haiti has come during the devastating earthquake in the poor country dead.
Buchholz was assistant to the Brazilian Luiz Carlos da Costa, the deputy heads of mission. The Christopher Hotel in the Haitian capital Port-au-Prince, the UN was also a whole floor for its headquarters. When the quake with the starch 7.0, the hotel was particularly affected. Whole sections of the building collapsed. A picture of horror.
Already at the beginning of the salvage operation has been found dead since Costa. From there began a period of trembling and of hope for the Bonner family and friends of Kai Buchholz.
On 13 Earthquake of January, the girlfriend of the missing person sacrifice is the Internet. "My friend has not yet been found. He was at the time of the earthquake, probably in the UN mission. Please register if you know anything about his whereabouts, "was the text.
Reply with helpful references did not exist, by Kai Buchholz was no trace. Three days later, a friend tried it again with a Post on the web. "Does anyone know anything about the German UN worker Kai Buchholz?" Because it was called. But even in this there was no feedback. Since Thursday, the family now has the sad fact that the 33-year-old did not survive a severe earthquake.
"We have hoped to the last," says Dr. Jochen Buchholz, director of the Adult Education Center Bad Godesberg, and the father of Kai. "The bodyguard of da Costa, had survived the disaster, so we have hoped."
As late as last spring, parents had their son, who showed his heart since his childhood, a heart for the poorer countries of the world, visited Haiti.
"We will bury Kai at home in Beuel," said the grieving father, Dr. Jochen Buchholz.
Also of interest
Confirmed! Four German Dead in Haiti
Darlene rescued after 15 days
Man rescued after 12 days

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Sundays op d'r Racetrack

Cologne - Shortly before two clock on Sunday at the Races: On-state sound of champagne glasses (56 € for a bottle of Pommery).
Warm-season for the 2009th Although hats are out of fashion: The fine Cologne-based company appears happy in Weidenpesch. Just as advertising professional Wolfgang Schmitz, accompanied by marketing women Suse Schneider and West Highland terrier Rocky.
In the "paddock" where the horses are prepared for the eight races of the day, is kölsche celebrities. Including the new Racing Club boss and ex-Kaufhof Executive Rolf strips (67), horse fans like celebrity hairdresser Wolfgang Rosendahl (57) of the Aachen-century street and jockey Hein Bollow.
The man, who comes from 1938 to 1963 to 1034 Jockey Derby wins and 4 brought victory: "I won here in 1946 in Cologne, the first Grand Prix on the colt commander." While the jockeys are weighed, association attorney Gottfried Reims. His hot tip for the first race: "Number three of the five runs before the finish."
We walk quickly to the ticket booth to put 10 euros for a two-bet. But the Reims-tip dissolves into air. Tough luck. In the third race, we focus on the new horse by Georg Baron von Ullmann (Sal Oppenheim) - and the mare Salomea wins. By UIlmann: "It comes from the stud Schlenderhan. This has a good reputation. "
Stories on the track - something for families and the Otto-Normal-Cologne: "It is great fun," said Evelin Strüber, who spent a wonderful afternoon with her lover.